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We provide full examples of Solstice usage in different settings. Each example is runnable as a standalone script. You can set up an environment for running the examples in just a few clicks by using the provided devcontainer; see the Contributing page for more information.

mnist_from_scratch ¤

The MNIST example demonstrates how to implement everything yourself using just the Solstice base classes and Haiku to define the neural network.


This example implements:

  • a solstice.Metrics class for keeping track of accuracy and loss

  • a solstice.Experiment class for specifying how to train the Haiku model

  • basic custom training and evaluation loops for running the experiment

resnet_classification ¤

The ResNet example demonstrates how to perform image classification on CIFAR10 with data-parallel multi-gpu support. Uses Haiku to define the base neural net and Hydra for config management.


Run python examples/ -h to see the available configuration options.

Logging is done with TensorBoard. Run tensorboard --logdir=outputs to view the logs.


This example demonstrates:

  • How to implement solstice.Experiment for training a ResNet50 with multi-gpu support.

  • Usage of solstice.ClassificationMetrics for tracking metrics.

  • Usage of solstice.LoggingCallback with TensorBoard (using the CLU SummaryWriter interface).

  • Usage of solstice.ProfilingCallback for profiling with TensorBoard.


Multi-GPU support is not yet implemented. Currently only working with single GPU.

adversarial_training ¤

The adversarial training example demonstrates how to implement custom training logic to remove bias from Colour MNIST (based on We use Equinox to define the base network.


This example demonstrates:

  • How to implement solstice.Experiment for adversarially training a fair classifier.

  • How to implement a custom solstice.Metrics class for tracking fairness-related metrics.

  • How to implement a custom solstice.Callback for conditional early stopping.

  • Usage of solstice.LoggingCallback with Weights and Biases integration.


Aspirational, not implemented yet.

vmap_ensemble ¤

The vmap ensemble example demonstrates how to implement different implement parallelism strategies by training an ensemble of small neural networks simultaneously on one GPU (inspired by Uses Flax to define the base network.


This example implements:


Not Implemented Yet

x_validation ¤

The X validation example demonstrates how to implement K folds cross validation with a custom training loop.


This example implements:


Not Implemented Yet